Oct 26, 2010

Living for Others

"Love seeks one thing only: the good of the one loved. It leaves all the other secondary effects to take care of themselves. Love, therefore, is its own reward." - Thomas Merton

I find myself awash in a drizzly day in The Pas - Mother Nature is continuing to give us a dose of winter rain and snow. My thoughts have turned to something with which to warm my spirit and I found myself reading some of Thomas Merton's wisdom.

The above quote reminds me of the strength I can find in my life when I reach out beyond myself to love others. It takes the focus off me and places it square in the centre of the lives of those whom I am called to love.

I would often choose to place my needs before those of the ones I love. It is not intentional, and it is often times subtle. This happens when I take those I love for granted. Merton reminds me of the need to pray daily for the grace to set my heart and my mind on others  so that in serving them I am encouraging them to grow into the person God has lovingly called them to be.

Gentle Father,
Help me to use the gifts you have given me,
to love those you have blessed me with.
Together may we help in building your Kingdom
here on earth.  Amen.

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