Jan 7, 2011

Change is Good

I shall tell you a great secret, my friend.  Do not wait for the last judgment, it takes place every day.
--Albert Camus

It is easy to hope that at some time in the future we may redeem ourselves by some great act of heroism or undergo a dramatic conversion. But in the meantime, all too often, it's business as usual. Too easily we can become used to our behavior and deny that our acting-out hasn't harmed anyone . . .except ourselves and those we love and who love and trust us. Deep down we knew we were judging ourselves and being judged. Now, each day, we can assess our actions and evaluate our behavior.  In this way we learn how our acting out has affected every part of our lives and our relationships.

It is time to change. The longer we wait, the more ingrained are our habits and ways of perceiving and deceiving. If we live a lie, we will be judged accordingly, by ourselves and those close to us. Our program teaches us that we can change and grow and move ahead into the openness and fullness of each new day.

I don't want to come to the end of my life wishing I had freed myself from my all things that bind me from experiencing God's goodness to me. I am glad I have begun the process of change.

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