Nov 20, 2012

On New Penance

The word is spreading fast. 

The US bishops met last week in Baltimore. In light of reeling from the effects of their nation (Catholics included) voting to grant Barack Obama a second term in office, they had wagered much over the last year to address the Democrats insistence on healthcare and same-sex unions. 

Many a bishop profoundly preached of the slippery slope the culture of the US was heading for. Although I do not necessarily share their concern over some of these issues I listened intently to the rhetoric that was being employed. 

I would like to affirm my belief that at no time should we use the Eucharist as a weapon in culture. To advocate, even subtly, that a person should be even remotely denied communion over one's political beliefs is a tragedy in which everyone loses. A point, I might add, several high ranking bishops and cardinals do not see.

In any case, a little humor is to be found. The archbishop of New York, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, advocated that an answer to the US issues facing the US Church and of declining mass attendance was to instruct our faithful to return to regular weekly confession and abstain from meat on Fridays. It was endorsed by the assembly present.

I'll save my personal opinions on this for a more private setting but I did get the following cartoon emailed to me. I think it captures where we are today:

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