Jan 14, 2013

From Dundas...

Greetings from Dundas.

I have been here a little over a week for a family funeral. It has indeed been a blessed time but I have fallen behind on a few posts.

This is not to say that you have all not been remembered and prayed for. Far from it. I am just a little worn down, as are most priests this time of year, and needing some rest. I return to my parish on Friday night and will keep these pages running as best I can until then.

Thank you for all the prayers I have received and for all the many warm wishes. I am taking some good time to be with my family, whom I rarely see, especially my father who is mourning the loss of his younger brother.

I am so removed from my family due to the reality of where I live and so I celebrate whenever I can have some time with them.

Blessings to all.

Father Paul

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