May 7, 2011

On the Road to Emmaus

This Sunday marks the third Sunday of Easter and offers us a chance to reflect on a Resurrection passage from St. Luke's Gospel (24.13-35) which is the story of the Road to Emmaus.

A great deal has been written about this account of Jesus with two of his disciples. I encourage you to listen attentively at mass this weekend. It is a beautiful story of God meeting humanity where we are at: broken, wounded and often in grief.

It is by far one of my favourite accounts in the Gospels and it speaks to me of an 'embracing' God who seeks me out when I need God most.

The disciples were not unlike us: they were griping among themselves over a situation that had befallen them. Things had not worked out the way they wanted them to. They had not gotten their way. If they had gotten their way, Jesus would be alive instead of dead and laying in the tomb.

They were so entrenched in their grief that they could not see the risen Lord in their very midst. 

How often am I so encompassed and occupied with my troubles that I fail to recognize the goodness of the present moment? That I fail to recognize Jesus in my midst? Far too often, I am afraid.

This Sunday offers us an opportunity to let go of our sufferings, our grief and our preoccupation in favor of recognizing the Risen Christ in our midst. A Christ that touches us and embraces us where we are at. No strings attached. We are as we are. Beautiful in God's sight.

Join me in celebrating this tremendous gift of God's love in our midst by letting go of pride and sinfulness and allowing ourselves to be embraced by God's love....the love of our Christ Jesus who blesses us and makes us whole.

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