It has led me to a growing examination on what it means for to "accept the things I cannot change," in my everyday life.
Acceptance is something a christian must face daily. Acceptance is a cornerstone for our spiritual growth. Acceptance is a necessity if we are to grow in our developing lives. What does acceptance mean for me?
First it means keeping an open-mind to the changes that this world offers. It prompts me to avoid judging current circumstances as being good/bad or right/wrong - they can simply be circumstances or a situation that invites a response from me in an unbiased way. Situations can then be seen without fear.
Secondly, acceptance demands I remain honest with myself regarding all aspects of a given situation. That honesty will naturally extend to how I express and share my circumstances with both myself and others. Am I accurately and honestly seeing this situation for what it really is?
Lastly, acceptance requires that I be willing to make a change in my understanding of a situation or circumstance. Willingness is a means by which I ensure that I grow in my understanding of myself and others. It keeps me from growing complacent and allows me to take an active role in bettering myself and my relationships with others.
Where does this leave me today? Less frustrated than I was most of the week. I am grateful to have the opportunity to express myself today and to be able to grow in my relationships with others. I am also a little humbled by how easy I take for granted this mode of communication. If I am to be rigorously honest than I would also have to admit that I managed to get some others things accomplished this week that I might not have.
Enjoy your weekend, Church.
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