Nov 11, 2010

Remembrance Day

Let us pray:
God of Endless Ages,
From one generation to the next you have always invited us to come before you in our need.                          
Hear our prayer on this Remembrance Day, 
We offer our prayer of gratitude for those who have gone before us in the protection of our way of life.   

We pray for those who are safeguarding that same life today and for those who rely heavily on our shared ability to protect the rights and dignities of others.

Allow us to be living instruments of your compassion, hope, truth, justice and reconciliation.  May the combined wisdom of our yesterdays lead us to a more stronger and united tomorrow that will allow us as your people to build a world healed of division and hungry for the time when we will share your gifts as one family living the dignity you have blessed us with.

We ask this in the Name of Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever.   Amen

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