Happy Triduum to all!

They are dependent on each other...we cannot celebrate Eucharist without a priest and a priest's life is hollow without the Eucharist.
This day begins the celebration of the Holy Triduum (Holy Thursday/Good Friday/Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday). It is important for us all to remember this focus at it's beginning: Priesthood and Eucharist.
Let us reflect together this day on its meaning in our own lives. Where do we place our reverence of the Eucharist in my own life? Do I accept the importance of the Priesthood in the life of the Church? These are important questions we all must face in the reality of the dwindling clergy. There are many parishes in our own country that will not be able to celebrate mass this evening because of a shortage of priests. Can I remember them in my prayer this night? Can I thank God for the blessing of being able to celebrate mass this evening in my own parish?
Just some thoughts to get us moving this morning. Have a blessed day, one and all. As ever...stay tuned.
1 comment:
I realize the needs for priests and the shortage. I come originally from a small town and often as a child celebrated mass in the basement of my uncle by lay people and then only every second sunday. However the mass I attend now at my home town when I am there has a special prayer said at every mass for the clergy now and the clergy to come. Can this prayer be incorporated in our own mass here in The Pas? This has been said for many years and is memorized by all who attend. its quite a simple prayer but much needed everywhere.
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