Apr 13, 2011

Trusting in Faith

Do your best and leave to God the rest.
-- Proverb

There comes a time in facing a challenge when we have done all that we can, and still the situation remains unresolved. This is the time to turn the problem over and release our cares into the hands of spirit. When we let the Universe take charge, anything becomes possible. God can do for us what we could not do for ourselves.

If you find that you have reached such an impasse, try the following -- in your mind's eye place the problem upon an imaginary altar. Then say, "I turn this over to you, spirit. From now on, you are in charge." As you walk away from the altar, feel the inner peace which comes from knowing that all is in Divine hands.

Despairing of ever getting published, a young writer used this approach. He placed his manuscript on his inner altar and moved on to another project. Two weeks later, the book was accepted by a major publisher for a substantial advance. Turning to his agent he said, "I want to thank whoever is responsible, because it certainly wasn't me."

It is good to realize that we do not have to do everything alone. Help is available. Invisible hands come to support us at the right time

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just always remember: God helps those who help themselves.