Oct 11, 2012

Archbishop of Canterbury Addresses Synod of Bishops in Rome

Archbishop Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury and head of the Anglican Communion worldwide addressed the ongoing Synod of Bishops in Rome on the theme of "The New Evangelization."

"Those who know little and care even less about the institutions and hierarchies of the church these days" nevertheless are attracted and challenged by Christians whose lives show they have been transformed by their encounter with Christ, said Archbishop Rowan Williams of Canterbury, head of the Church of England.

The emphasis which Archbishop Williams has towards a personal encounter with Christ is also be highlighted by other bishops from around the world. It speaks to me of a need to cultivate an intimate relationship with our Lord that will effectively change us from within. As the old adage goes, "you can't give what you don't have."

"The face we need to show to our world is the face of a humanity in endless growth toward love, a humanity so delighted and engaged by the glory of what we look toward that we are prepared to embark on a journey without end to find our way more deeply into it," Archbishop Williams told the synod.

I am deeply gratified that Archbishop Williams was invited to address the Synod, which by itself testifies to how far the Church has come in these years. It would have been unimaginable 50 years ago that a Roman Catholic Synod would have permitted such an event at that time.

To read more of what Archbishop Williams spoke of you may look here.

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