Oct 26, 2012

On Gratitude

Among virtues, gratitude is a grace that is at the very foundation of christian life. It teaches us on many levels. At first glance most of us would agree that we make an effort to be grateful for the gifts we have: family, health, work, children, a spouse, a parent, even God.

Genuine gratitude teaches me to remain in the present moment; to pause and to reflect on where I am at this step of life's journey. Many of you are aware that I am a recovering alcoholic. These years of recovery have not been easy but have been grace-filled. One way that I remain committed in sobriety is by cultivating an atmosphere of gratitude.

I can to easily recall the chaos of my life when I was drinking. I can to easily fall into self-recrimination. I can to easily find an excuse to drink today if I am not mindful of the gifts I have this day, this hour, this moment.

Here is a little reminder of the importance of gratitude which I found. I hope you can take a moment to watch it and experience the grace of gratitude.

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