Aug 25, 2011

Good Bye's & Hello's

Good afternoon, Church,

It has been much time since I posted last. Many months. It has been a difficult few months as I have journeyed through the process of moving on from one parish to another.

This holds its own share of feelings for any person and I wanted to begin by expressing how grateful I am for my experiences with the faithful of The Pas and area.  I found the last 9 years very enriching and very challenging. Thank you to one and all for helping me over these years grow closer to Christ and closer to yourselves.

I celebrated two years of sobriety on the 18th of August and I am truly grateful for the second chance at life that God has given me.  This makes my change of life much more meaningful.
To the people of Saint Ann's I offer my assurance that I am looking forward to journeying with you for many many years. As ever, let's begin our new life together with the promise that we will find humour together in the lives we lead as Christians. We need to be able to laugh at ourselves at the times when we struggle most.

I lool forward to being able to blog more regularly now that my moving is completed. Thank you for your patience over the summer months.


Father Paul (FP)

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