Mar 1, 2011

Faith Frees Us From Anxiety & Fear: Pope

Benedict XVI is encouraging faith in God's love, which frees us from anxiety and fear even though it does not remove the need of working for our daily wages.

The Pope stated this today in an address before praying the midday Angelus together with those gathered in St. Peter's Square.

"Whoever believes in God, the Father full of love for his children, puts in the first place the search for the Kingdom, for his will," the Pontiff affirmed.

He continued, "Faith in providence, in fact, does not dispense us from the exhausting struggle for a dignified life, but it frees us from anxiety about things and from the fear of tomorrow."

The Holy Father noted, "It is clear that this teaching of Jesus, although remaining always true and valid for all, is practiced in different ways in keeping with the different vocations."

Thus, he explained, "a Franciscan brother can follow it in a more radical way, whereas a father of a family must keep in mind his duties towards his wife and children."

"In every case, however, the Christian is distinguished by his absolute trust in the heavenly Father, as it was for Jesus," Benedict XVI affirmed.

He continued, "It is precisely the relationship with God the Father that gives meaning to the whole of Christ's life, to his words, to his gestures of salvation, to his passion, death and resurrection."

"Jesus has demonstrated to us what it means to live with our feet firmly planted on the earth, attentive to the concrete situations of our neighbor, and at the same time having our heart always in Heaven, immersed in God's mercy," the Pope pointed out.

He noted that "Jesus exhorts his disciples to trust in the providence of the heavenly Father, who feeds the birds of the air and clothes the lilies of the field, and knows every need of ours."

The Pontiff concluded by inviting his listeners "to invoke the Virgin Mary with the title Mother of Divine Providence."

He stated, "We invoke her intercession so that we will all learn to live in keeping with a more simple and sober style, in our daily industry and in respect of creation, which God has entrusted to our care."

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