Oct 11, 2012

C.S. Lewis Reflection

If you are a Christian you do not have to believe that all the other religions are simply wrong all through.

C.S. Lewis from "Mere Christianity"

I find it enriching to recall how far we have come in the recognition of other Christian faiths. It has been a long struggle of catholicism to meander its way throughout the world and history in seeking communion with like minded christians.

These words of C.S. Lewis speak to me of understanding and tolerance.

I am reminded of our Church's movement to restore unity between ourselves and the Church of England.

Archbishop Rowan Williams recently commented at the Synod of Bishops for the New Evangelization, that sometimes in living faith, "we can't always wait for the other." This was made in reference to some differences in interpretation of tradition between our faiths. In particular the issues of a celibate male clergy and of women's ordination and/or role of leadership within the church. Both of which the Church of England has embraced.

I find frustration that these issues remain so closed to discussion amongst our leadership and yet so relevant to the people they are shepherding.

Can we really, as a Modern Church in 2012 afford to say, definitively, that the final word has been spoken on these issues? I think to believe that is somewhat naive.

How can we afford to lose a strong and reasonable source of wisdom from the women of the world who love and adore Christ and His Church? One hopes that our Church "Fathers" will recognize this at some point and seek to restore the role of women in our faith to a more balanced and collegial role.

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